I was delighted to host a panel discussion on a very inportant topic “Women in Technology, A Roadmap for Microelectronics” at the Midas Ireland (https://midasireland.ie/about-us/) Annual Conference 2021 in DunBoyne Castle Hotel.
We are very aware of both a skills shortage and a skills gap in Ireland’s electronic sector. MIDAS member companies gave inputs to a research report that that found 50% of industry members have expanded their R&D activities overseas due to limited talent availability in Ireland. This is particularly interesting when we look at underrepresentation of females in the electronics industry and the opportunity that brings us if we were able to address that underrepresentation.
We explored this topic of underrepresentation of Women in Microelectronics in more detail with the help of our four panelists.
Neil Philip, Vice President and Factory Manager, Intel Ireland https://www.linkedin.com/in/neil-philip-aa5480151/
Professor Orla Feeley, Vice President for Research, Innovation and Impact and a Professor of Electronic Engineering at University College Dublin. She is also President of Engineers Ireland.
Jennifer Hoffman, Global Head, People & Culture, Analog Devices Corp https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenniferhoffman11/
Brendan Farley, Managing Director, Xilinx EMEA and Vice President for Wireless Engineering https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendan-farley-94b6023/?originalSubdomain=ie
The opportunity to address the growing talent and skills gap in the microelectronics industry by building the pipeline of amazing female candidates was wholeheartedly supported by Midas members and will be an area of continued focus in 2022.