

SDC draws from years of executive experience in a best-in-class global multinational company to act as a combination of mentor, coach and senior advisor to clients. These services can be for the client organisation as a whole, or for specific individuals (or groups) within the organisation.

This COVID 19 pandemic is a very challenging time for many organisations, and the cornerstones for companies to survive, to adapt, and to thrive again are inspirational leaders, a high performance organisational culture aligned with the strategic direction of the company and continued focus and investment in developing people talent and future leaders.

More than ever, leaders will need to create an interdependent, high performance culture in order to provide the best chance of adapting to and even flourishing in the face of these unsettling waves of uncertainty and change that businesses are now facing. When looking to transform a company, leadership needs to be clear on what they require from the change and need to be fully committed to see it through, and requires an emotionally intelligent approach that seeks balance across all elements of the organisations’ “living system”.

“If you don’t invest in the future and don’t plan for the future, there won’t be one.”
George Buckley – chairman, president, and CEO of 3M


As a mentor, SDC works with leaders to scale and re-focus their organisation successfully by sharing from a deep industry knowledge and extensive experience in the high-tech semiconductor manufacturing profession as well as a broad B2B market exposure to multiple technology end markets.

SDC has a broad industry knowledge across the major sectors of aerospace, commercial aviation, space satellite, automotive, medical and industrial applications such as semiconductor capital equipment. SDC will work across all functional areas including strategy, finance, sales & marketing, customer service, R&D, engineering and operations.

SDC can advise on how to overcome the major business challenges of today such as changing market landscape, sustained growth, organisational optimisation, change management and operational efficiency – all with a view to increasing shareholder and enterprise value.

Executive Coaching

SDC provides executive coaching services for individuals and teams within an organisation. Executive coach providing an individual and confidential forum for senior leadership to explore issues relevant to their personal and professional development.

Senior executives and management are increasingly turning to one-to-one executive coaching, for help with performance issues, which affect themselves or their teams. Many people at the top of organisations have a sense of isolation. They may find it difficult in a public or organisational context to admit they have a problem or to ask for more help or support. Executive coaching provides an individual and confidential forum where such individuals can explore these issues in safety and in a time effective manner. It provides a convenient and cost-effective way to accelerate results and success.

The aim of the SDC Coaching service is to provide intensive support and consultation to senior managers on issues relevant to their professional development. Siobhan has been there and understands the challenges facing busy executives. Such challenges raise from managing stress issues, resolving conflict, problem solving and decision-making to crisis management, leadership, time management, presentation skills, managing meetings and career advancement.

Non-Executive Director

SDC believes that successful organisations must start with good corporate governance structures. The Board of Directors’ responsibility for oversight, and particularly the independent Non-Executive Director, is so crucial on topics such as organization culture and strategy.

The Board will need the right level of independence, skills, experience, and diversity to effectively fulfil its duties. More than ever, Board members should attain the right level of qualifications before taking up Board positions.

SDC is available for interim/transitional senior management positions and / or non-executive director (NED) roles as required.

Currently serving as a member of the
Advisory Board of MIDAS Ireland

Advisory Board Member of MIDAS Ireland

MIDAS is an industry led cluster consisting of industry, educational, research and government agencies, working together to assist in the development of the ‘micro and nano-electronics based systems sector’ in Ireland.

Today MIDAS represents the entire value chain, as the industry evolves to deliver more complete electronic and software system solutions.

MIDAS is the key enabler of networking and collaborative opportunities within our industry and represents the needs of the sector to government. It supports the upskilling of graduate and professional engineers to meet the ever-changing needs of this ‘deep tech’ sector.

Board Diversity Initiative

The Board Diversity Initiative was set up in 2010 with the aim of increasing the representation of women on boards in Ireland, and encouraging chairs of boards to consider the talent pool when appointing new non-executive directors.

The 6th edition of the Directory was published in 2021 and now has an established presence and is extensively used by many organisations seeking to appoint directors. SDC is listed on the latest 6th edition and is open to suitable NED opportunities.

Business and Strategy

SDC - Helping Clients Find their Way on the Transformation Journey

SDC leverages extensive experience and skills in leadership, senior management, sales, Go-to-market strategy, and product development to work as a specialist, expert advisor and consultant on business and strategic transformation.

“People will take any hill, walk into the worst situation, if they have faith in your leadership and know what your strategy and objectives are.”

says Tyco’s Edward Breen